Friday, May 31, 2013

New bunnies

So today I got my new bunnies and I can start breeding them. One of them is a Cali and the other is a new zealand. When we picked them up they were the cutest things ever. They are in there new home now, and they seem to like each other already.

This ones name is superman, male Cali about 12 weeks old.
As soon as we put him into his new home he feel in love. It was perfect for him
This ones name is snowball. Female new zealand.
The car ride home. Yes they are in a seat belt..Buckle up!

Here are some fun facts about rabbits:

  1. The male rabbit is called a buck and the female is called a doe.
  2. Baby bunnies are called kittens.
  3. Wild rabbits generally weigh between 2-3 pounds and are up to 16 inches long.
  4. Rabbits raised for mean can weigh up to 8-12 pounds.
  5. In the United States there are 12 species of rabbits and the eastern cottontail is the most common. 
  6.  A rabbit can run up to 35 mph.
  7. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.
  8. Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 4 in..

The bunnies I got from a guy named Doug Lighthill                     

 He has many different kinds. If you would like to get a hold of him please comment down below and i will send you the link.


  1. Hey,
    I like the blog. You're off to a great start.
    Keep it up.

    Please visit my new site if you don't mind:

  2. Thanks for coming over to Modern Day Redneck and hitting the join button. I didn't see one on yours, but will check back to see if you get one so I can join yours as well.
    Good start on your blog and you can email me if you have any questions.
    Thanks again,

    1. There`s a join button? I know I followed you by copying down you url and sticking it into the reading list? Is that how you follow someone. Like I said I am new. I do not even know how to get followers or anything. So if you have any tips Id sure love for you to throw them my way lol. How do I email on here. All I know how to do is comment, and make a new blog and check my states. I can not figure out how to tell if someone commented back on a comment I sent them lol... Thank you : ) and your welcome :)
